Product Summary & Pricing


Composted soil amendments are used to improve and maintain the health of your soil and plants. Our composting process includes a pathogen reduction process to kill weed seeds, harmful pests and pathogens. The final composted products contain beneficial microbes and nutrients that are slowly released into the soil for plant absorption.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Humic Compost Composted Amendment, 1/2” Screened $12 $11
Custom Amendments Blended for Specific Needs Call for pricing

Soil Products

Soil Products are used to raise soil levels, fill planter beds or replace poor soil. Our base soil is tested for agronomic suitability and texture.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Non-amended Topsoil Sandy Loam Textured Soil $40 $40
70/30 Topsoil 70% Sandy Loam Textured Soil- 30% Humic Compost $40 $40
Bioswale 50 50% Sand
25% Topsoil
25% Compost
$43 $43
Bioswale 65 65% Sand
20% Topsoil
15% Compost
$43 $43


Mulch Products

Mulch is used as groundcover to reduce water evaporation, erosion and weed seed germination. Mulch breaks down over time increasing the organic matter in soil. This process improves soil tilth, which improves water infiltration, increases the soil’s water holding capacity, and creates a nutrient reservoir. Three feedstocks are used to produce our products: Composted organics, brush and tree wood and construction wood.

Composted Mulch

Composted mulch is rich in organic matter, holds well on slopes and can withstand high winds. Our composted mulch products are dark brown in color and will supply nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Orchard Mulch Composted, Coarse, Some Pieces Larger Than 3″, Agricultural Quality, Some Foreign Material $6 $5
Ag Grind Mulch 2″ minus, Composted, Agricultural Quality, Some Foreign Material $6 $5

Forest Mulch

Brush and tree wood is used to make our Forest Mulch products. These feedstocks provide organic matter, hold well on slopes and can withstand high winds. Forest mulch products are a medium brown color, which helps camouflage plant litter.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Forest Fines 1 1/2″ minus, Ground Brush and Tree Trimmings $17 $16
Forest Mulch 3″ minus, Ground Brush and Tree Trimmings $17 $16
Mission Mulch 3 inch – ½” minus, Ground Brush and Tree Trimmings $26 $25

Wood Mulch

Our Wood Mulch products, produced from clean construction wood, are a light brown color and breakdown slowly. These products are often used as long lasting material in pathways or as mulch for plants with low nitrogen requirements.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Bedding Mulch 1” Minus, Ground Wood $25 $24
Trail Mulch 2” Minus, Ground Wood $25 $24
Landscape Mulch 3” Minus, Ground Wood $25 $24

Blended Mulch

Our Blended Mulch products are produced from our wood based Forest Fines Mulch to provide a longer lasting product. Use these products to match your aesthetic needs.

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Everbloom Mulch 2″ Minus, Composted, Landscape Quality $12 $11
Country Club Blend Blend of Forest Fines and Everbloom $15 $14

Landscape Products

Product Description Pricing per Cubic Yard
1-24 25-100
Cobblestone 6″ minus, Landscape Quality Call for pricing